Hesselberg Hydro

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Providing flexible support for a highly specialised small business

Hesselberg Hydro is a UK-based company that specialises in the application of asphalt in hydraulic engineering, and particularly systems for erosion protection, underwater scour protection and waterproofing. Established in 1991, they are recognised as the experts in their niche, and their specialist projects are commissioned by engineering consultants and contractors, local authorities, environmental agencies, water companies and port operators.

Roger Smith, Hesselberg’s MD, is at the heart of the business, with a small team of employees working on each project the firm takes on. As the expert in his field, his time is taken up developing proposals, running projects, and updating clients on progress. As Roger explains:

“I knew I didn’t have enough time to spend on prospecting for new clients, but I was also aware that it doesn’t pay to be complacent. It was always nagging at me that I ought to be doing more outreach and market exploration, but that’s not really my thing.”

When Roger met and spoke to Saline, he realised that they could help him to explore new prospects, spot new opportunities, and see what else might be out there that he was missing.

Saline’s MD Tim Smith explains:

“We focused on identifying new projects for Hesselberg Hydro, and on setting up strategic introductions for him to key contacts in the marine industry, such as design consultants and contractors. We knew he wasn’t looking for volume sales or rapid growth like some of our clients – just the right introductions, tailored to meet his company’s specific needs, and some extra support.”

Useful introductions were made, and Roger was particularly glad to have the opportunity to meet with consulting engineers and explain how the Hesselberg technology works. As he notes:

“Just getting our technology in front of people who found it deeply relevant, and who might then go on to include it in the design of future projects, was very valuable to us.”

Support for the long term

In addition to making key introductions for Hesselberg, Saline was also instrumental in setting up ‘lunch and learn’ sessions for the company. These small, specialised events were targeted at niche audiences, designed to bring the right people in to meet Roger and hear more about Hesselberg. Saline also advised and worked with Roger on updating the company’s website, strengthening public-facing communications and suggesting fresh content to help potential prospects understand the business and what it offers.

The nature of Saline’s relationship with Hesselberg Hydro has always been responsive, friendly and informal, as Tim explains:

“We fill gaps when they arise, and provide support when needed. Our success is built on trust and human connection with our clients, and working with Roger and Hesselberg over the past 4-5 years has been a good example of how our tailored, consultative approach leads to positive outcomes for all.”

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